Digital transformation amazing challenge | Andrea Biraghi
Digital transformation amazing challenge: opportunities and need of change to survive and thrive. Andrea Biraghi
You can download the full article in pdf here: Longitude, Building up business agility, Issue #106, by Andrea Biraghi
2020 represents a decisive year in the world of service companies, not only for the economic impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had and will have, but also because it will be the watershed among the companies that will be able to seize this opportunity/need of change to be able to survive and then thrive, and those that will remain anchored to an old way of operating.
If, on the one hand, manufacturing companies are closely linked to the production sites where workers work, the whole world of the economy of digital and financial services has had to suddenly work remotely, through the so-called smart or agile working. There are countries where this habit was much more developed, for example in the Scandinavian peninsula where 21% of people already worked remotely in 2019, but there are countries like Italy where only 6% of workers had the opportunity to work from home. The global average of remote working in developed countries is around 15% for this type of company, with a continuous growth rate in recent years.
The reasons that are given in the United States to justify the choice of remote work are the greater productivity (many managers report that by working remotely the teams have increased their results by 28%), the reduced turnover (25% less than to companies that do not allow it), employees satisfaction (many statistics report that in the USA, employees with the possibility of working remotely are willing to even see their wages cut in order to have a flexible work), the ability to attract talent (for millennials this possibility is a driver in choosing a job).
In 2020, within two weeks, the world of service companies brought 90% of their employees into smart working, in all the countries affected by the pandemic, with no appreciable differences between them.
This impressive acceleration brings with it several consequences, which impact directly on the whole society, we think about the reduction of traffic in the cities, the time saved for commuting, the contact between colleagues that has become exclusively virtual, the need for managers to have to evaluate their resources by achieving the assigned objectives, rather than measuring their presence in the office.
But in order to be efficient and prepared for this change, companies must also face important technological challenges, we think of the need to guarantee broadband for each employee, to provide IT tools for collaboration (sharing, video conferencing, cloud, etc.), to review totally the problem of the protection of its computer networks and of its intellectual capital. At a European level in Italy, Spain, France and Germany, most of the organizations presented themselves unprepared for this appointment, especially as regards the protection of their data; United Kingdom, thanks to its bond with the United States, is certainly ahead on these issues and was therefore more ready.
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